Julia Yaw

Julia is Allen’s daughter and fondly remembers growing up on construction sites, cleaning the ground and carrying shingles for her dad. Today she acts as the company’s Marketing Manager and Design Expert, striving everyday to grow the company and touch as many lives as she can. While Julia is involved in the business as often as she can be, she is committed to her position as the Regional Director for the Northeast Kidney Foundation, serving patients in Rochester and the surrounding regions. Julia is a transplant patient and here because two very generous people made the decision to pass on the gift of life! She embraces every moment and encourages others to live life to the fullest, with passion and zeal. “Life is not promised, and the best way I know how to show how appreciative I am, is to pay it forward serving others.”

Thanks so much!

Have you considered becoming an organ donor? You can register online at the link below, with just a minute of your time. By completing the form, you can save the lives of up to eight people and enhance the lives of countless others! Organ donation not only saves lives; it restores them!